Book Reviews

Judy Warner,
Washington, D.C.


This is a wonderful book! I really enjoyed how Apostle Sharon Loving Ruff developed the stories of her adventures in West Africa. I clearly saw how God gave her a "clue" and then had her "search" for the next piece of information before giving the revelation. This book proves a Bible principle that knowledge, understanding, wisdom and revelation is obtained by following step by step, line upon line, percept upon percept, here a little and there a little, and being obedient to the leading of the Lord on a day by day basis. As I read A Seedling, I felt like I was going on a treasure hunt with its writer. Then, every time I felt I had discovered the treasure with her; there was more to be found. I followed the journey of A Seedling closely and this book took me on a journey with God. It was as if God was a tour guide and I was His special guest, along with Apostle Sharon. I recommend this awesome book to all Christians, as well as, to anybody who just wants to experience a true adventure.

Willie Parker,
Capitol Heights, Maryland


Congratulations!!! To God be all the glory!! A servant hears and obeys his master!!! Thanks Apostle Sharon Loving Ruff for allowing God to expose to the world a good example of a true and dedicated servant of God that not only hears Him, but most importantly; obeys Him. Fear has been the main demonic weapon Satan has used against the servants of God and has stopped many from going forth in the things of God. A Seedling proves that the only fear we need is the "fear of God" and that all other fears can be and will be defeated if our trust is in God. This book shows us that God hears the cries of His people and in due season, He will "raise up someone to be the answer" to that cry. How amazing God is that He would call someone in one Country and send them all the way over into another Country to "set" His people free. It was so remarkable how God used this woman because she was willing to please Him. Many make the vow, "send me," but they want to choose where and to whom they are sent; but not Apostle Sharon Loving Ruff. She yielded to God, so therefore God used her mightily. A Seedling proves to the world that God is currently using and continues to seek "yielded" vessels that will serve Him not only in good times but will also persevere in hard times and in situations that look impossible to us. It really takes courage to walk alone in a foreign country during times of war, but according to the Bible God has put many of His servants in strange places often without initial understanding. God always has a purpose for doing what He does. Was this experience just for Apostle Sharon, for Liberia, for America or was it for the world? Truly, the recording of this mission has given great insight in walking with God!

Pastor Judy E. Warner
Washington, D.C.


After reading the book, A Seedling, there is no doubt that the Holy Spirit is actually alive; existing and operating in the normally unseen or unknown dimensions of our human lives carrying out specific duties and functions just like the Bible foretold. This book reveals just how intricately that involvement is and the true importance of God's involvement in our affairs. Thanks to this book I can now easily recognize when it is God operating in my life rather than giving the credit to luck or a human ability coming to my rescue. I also know that I must acknowledge and be grateful to Him for every intervention. All in all, A Seedling really touched me and brought me into a new deeper relationship with God. Thank you, Apostle Sharon Loving Ruff for allowing God to use you and for sharing your experiences with us.

Hyattsville, Maryland


The Making of an Apostle, Volume 1, A Seedling is very interesting! Apostle Sharon Loving Ruff's adventures were so descriptive it was like I was actually living the experiences in the book. A Seedling was informative, enlightening, and educational because it showed in great detail how the spiritual world influences the natural world: Good vs Evil, God vs Satan. Apostle Sharon gives practical insight to those who seek to know "What is of God?" and "What is not of God?" as well as provides thought provoking, eye opening experiences of a woman who has been called into the service of the Lord. Finally, it is quite captivating to read the many ways that the awesome power of God operated through this yielded vessel.

J. D.,
Fairfax, Virginia


We live in a period where many in the WORLD are fascinated with "alternatives" to "normal humanity" as created by God. This vulnerable generation is inundated with movies and other media that with great distortion depict werewolves, vampires and hellish extra terrestrial beings as Super Heroes and Super Warriors -- as Good and not Evil. Satan, the author of this phenomenon, has set out to "create doubt" regarding the true existence of "spiritual wickedness" by glamorizing his demonic culture through the use of imaginary fictitious factions. The book, The Making of an Apostle, Volume 1, A Seedling, brings to light the truth of the existence and activity of spiritual warfare that Christendom experiences in this dispensation. In A Seedling, Apostle Sharon recounts her journey and the real life experiences God allowed to equip her for the God-ordained call on her life. She provides first hand truism that the "weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but Mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds." This series is not only a documentary of real life events but also serves as a training manual for those who find themselves in places where there is no doubt in their minds that they must put their trust in God!

Pastor Gwen Brown,
Los Angeles, California


Very inspirational! This book has taught me about the Holy Spirit's involvement in the life of an ordinary individual and how to discern when it is He that is leading and guiding me. It has also taught me how to be still, listen, and know that through God all things are possible.

Charlotte, North Carolina


If you have been looking for a book that will (1) show you how you can communicate and walk with the Lord, and (2) how to develop a deeper relationship with Him, then this is the book for you! Read The Making of an Apostle, Volume 1, A Seedling. You won't be disappointed!
Waldorf, Maryland


Wow, this book is great! I felt as though I was actually living the various experiences along with Apostle Sharon as the book was unfolding. Before reading A Seedling, I had some areas of fear facing the unknown. However, God used this book to change my life and now I know I can follow Him wherever He leads just as Apostle Sharon did in her book because God is no respecter of persons. I truly look forward to the release of future books in the series, The Making of an Apostle.

Missionary Ethel Howard
Desoto, Texas


I've been a Christian believer for over 30 years, but this book gave me an opportunity to look into a world that was totally different than the world that I am accustomed to experiencing. One of the many amazing things about A Seedling is that I really felt that I experienced the journey with Apostle Sharon as I was reading its pages. I felt the challenges, the excitement, the apprehension, as well as, the joy in discovery as her writings wonderfully captured each new adventure. This book helped me to understand that there was a deeper relationship with the Lord waiting for me, gave me a greater desire to read and study my Bible, and seek the leading of God's Holy Spirit in my life.

Fort Washington, Maryland


Riveting! Provocative! I couldn't put the book, A Seedling, down! I was intrigued how the Lord was using Apostle Sharon Loving Ruff as she followed His instructions step by step. After reading this book, I felt closer to God for sending her on this journey because it profoundly demonstrated that as I continue to put my full trust in the Lord and follow His lead, He will bring to pass His divine will in every situation of my life.
Washington, D.C.
